Please Note -

has moved to:

Gallery 1  Canvasses from 6ftx4ft / 3ftx4ft 

Gallery 2  Man Cave Art

Gallery 3  Contemporary / Abstract canvasses

Gallery 4  Mannequin Art

NB. Canvasses come ready to hang but will be unframed unless stated.  (canvasses come unvarnished) 
(p&p is not included in the price)


Currently all enquiries and canvas purchases are through:

"Mortimer's Gallery", Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England UK

Contact details:

Hello, I am a contemporary artist working with acrylics under the name of 'Jay-artist', based in Chapel St Leonards, Lincolnshire. At secondary school my art teacher informed me that my artwork was not worth pursuing and the school advised I become either an Archaeologist or a Teacher. 45 years later, after retiring from the teaching profession in the West Midlands, I moved to the Lincolnshire coast. Vast skies, limitless beaches and time to create! I decided to paint again. I have now had my artwork exhibited in galleries in Skegness, Louth and Horncastle. 

It is never too late to start painting and now I regard criticism of my artwork as positive feedback. 


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